Saturday, October 27, 2007

Entrepreneurship and the Business Environment

Everywhere you turn nowadays, you always hear about venturing into entrepreneurship. But what is entrepreneurship exactly? It is actually defined as the process wherein a group or an individual makes an effort to pursue opportunities to satisfy needs and wants through uniqueness and innovation. Some people have the misconception that entrepreneurs are gamblers in the sense that they take risks and invest in industries that have no record of success. However, the truth is, these entrepreneurs take calculated risks that have the potential to provide them with huge returns.

The key factors you need to remember about entrepreneurship are opportunities, innovation, and growth. An entrepreneur sees opportunities in environmental trends and changes that nobody has seen before and pursues this opportunity with whatever resources he has at hand. The second theme in entrepreneurship is innovation which involves transforming and revolutionizing existing products or services to cope up with the changing global environment. The third theme is growth; this involves the continual efforts of an entrepreneur to expand his business locally and internationally. An entrepreneur is on the constant look out on how to create new approaches to make his business grow and become a huge success.

These themes are the key factors which businesses are founded upon. The largest corporations you find today did not start out big, rather they started out as small enterprises by visionaries who want more than what is offered to them. You can see from the history of some of the most successful business today that the founders of these businesses have taken great leaps of faith and incredible amounts of risks in order to be what they are today. Wherever you turn, you see the results of entrepreneurship. But it is most obvious in internet commerce because this is a new industry. People that were unheard of before are becoming some of the riches names in the world and it is all because they have taken risks and have succeeded. So whether we realize it or not, it is the entrepreneurs who drive the global environment nowadays. They are the ones who are always seeking out opportunities and taking risks to improve our world and profit from it in return.

The business environment and even the technological advancements that are available today would not have been possible if these entrepreneurs did not come out of their comfort zone to invest in the development of these businesses. As you can see, having the entrepreneurial spirit is definitely necessary for businesses to reach greater heights and provide better and faster products and services to their clients. It is no wonder then that a lot of business enterprises are hiring young and dynamic individuals with a vision and who are not afraid to take calculated risks to ensure the survival of the business tomorrow.

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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Determinants of Demand

The business environment is always volatile because it is affected by the supply and demand of the marketplace. There are many factors that can contribute to the demand in the market and this demand will likewise also affect the supply. It is important to look into each of these factors to be able to cope up with changes. One of the most important determinants of demand is the income of the customer. When the income of the customer falls then his ability to purchase goods and service is affected.

Another factor that influences the demand for a product is the prices of related goods. For example, if the price of an apple falls for one particular season then you can expect the customers to buy more apples during that time frame even if they are used to buying banana. In this regard, the banana industry suffers because the customers buy the apples because of the low price.

Still another determinant of demand is the shifting taste of the market. Sometimes, there are trends in the market the drives the demand of some products up while sometimes it would adversely affect the demand in the market. The taste of individuals themselves can reflect on the overall demand of the market. If some customers prefer chocolate more than coffee then you can expect the demand of chocolate to be a lot more significant compared to coffee.

Your expectations in the future are also likely to affect the demand for a particular good or service right now. For example, if you are expecting to earn a lot of money in the near future then you will most likely be more inclined to spend today. On the other hand, if you expect to encounter several financial difficulties in the near future then your demand for products and services then you are likely to save your money right now.

Even the number of buyers in the market has will have an overall effect on the demand because they will drive up the production of these goods. The prices of these goods will also be dependent on the demand which is created by the number of buyers.

As you can see, there are many determinants of demand and as a business owner; you should know each of these determinants individually and thoroughly. This is because you are in an industry that is highly dependent on the demands of the market. Every business in the world needs to follow the trends and where the demand in the market is going in order to survive. The enumerated determinants of demands are just some of the things that will affect the demand, there are still other factors that may affect the demand more than you though possible.

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Saturday, October 13, 2007

Three Things NEVER To Do In Business

There are some things you should never do in business if you want to succeed. If you are already a successful business you are well aware of this. If you are a new business entrepreneur than these three tips may be very helpful to you.

The first thing you NEVER want to do is to skimp on advertising. Without proper advertising your business will chance taking a big loss in services or product sales. An example of this is a small business that puts out children’s audio CD’s is introducing a new product. The business is new and practically unknown. They do have a website, and a small advertisement in the local newspaper. Only a small area is going to be aware of this company and it’s CD. A better form of advertisement would have been advertising in several, larger newspapers. Having a billboard advertisement that can be seen in a heavily trafficked area. These may cost more, but you will reach a larger customer base. Without reaching customers, you fail.

Secondly, NEVER let your guard down with your business competition. If your business has a competitive market you want to definitely consider this. An example of this is a video store. You would want to be aware of what the other store offers. Is there a large selection? What are their prices per video per day? Do they offer any specials or discounts? You would want to keep up on both the smaller video stores as well as the larger video store chains in your area. You want to either match what is offered or offer a slightly lower fee. Customers love to save money, even a few dollars and cents.

Lastly, NEVER jump into a business without doing thorough research. You want to be sure you know all of the details about the business you are involved in. You want to know financial details as well as information about your competition. When you take the time to research a specific business you insure success for yourself. You wouldn’t want any surprises popping up when it comes to your business. You want to be able to set yourself up so that your business operates as smoothly as possible.

If you make an effort to follow the above guidelines on what NEVER to do in business then you are on the right track. You create a solid base for business success. Be sure not to jump into any business decisions without research and well thought out planning. Care for your business like you would your children. Give it what it needs to grow and you will be pleased with the end result. Be sure you follow the do’s and NEVER the don’ts and see your business soar.

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Sunday, October 07, 2007

Budgeting Your Money When You Own A Business

One of the most difficult things to do when you start a new business is putting together a budget. Without any financial history on which to base income and expenses, it may seem like guesswork, but as part of any business plan a tentative budget can be established with some thought and anticipation for the future.

In most businesses there are two main categories, income and expense. Under your expense category there can be several sub-categories often falling into two main areas of controllable expenses and uncontrollable. While many business owner claim they can control every expense involved in their business, they are simply kidding themselves as some things such as utility cost, the amount of rent and other so-called fixed costs can, and do change, with the owner having no control.

Other expenses such as payroll, insurance and advertising can be subject to a budget, but they are considered controllable expenses. If the business begins to fall off, you can control some of these expenses by laying off employees and cutting back on advertising. However, living by a budget will help maintain profitability in many respects but can also turn against you in the long run.

Depending on the viability of your business it often is a better investment to bite the financial bullet on employee wages and still provide good customer service to the remaining customers until business picks back up. By trying to everything yourself not only will you burn out quickly, but is no one is taking care of the customers, it will not take long until there are no more customers to care for.

There are two ways to budget your business money and that is through set dollar amounts and percentage of income. Many businesses will budget their controllable expenses by the dollar and non-controllable by percentage of income. Obviously a good part of the owner’s time is going to be based on bringing money into the business and how much they have to spend on controllable expenses will be in direct relation to income.

For example, a company earning $20,000 a month in income has budgeted six percent for payroll, providing $1,200 for payroll. If the income level rises to $50,000 the budgeted payroll percent does not change but the dollars available for payroll climbs to $3,000. With an obvious increase in business to create the additional income, the owner will probably need the extra help to take care of business.

There are many other expenses that fall into the payroll account such as worker’s compensation charges, Social Security tax paid by the employer and paid vacation time or other perks determined by the employer. While a budget may be difficult to establish for a new business, it is a necessary evil for all business owners.

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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Advertisement: Is It Effective?

A lot of people contribute a lot to the profitability of most businesses but the real question is, “How would you be able to gauge the efficacy of your advertisements?” Is it really just about the rise in the number of sales and inquiry from after the timeframe with wherein you have released the advertisements? Of perhaps the brand assessment is also a contributing factor?
In reality it is not only with those elements that you measure the quality of your advertisement, but rather it hinges on a lot of factors which includes the kind of media which you have employed, the budget or your assessment, the objective of your advertisement, the phase of accuracy and consistency that is necessitated, who is your target market and the budget you have allotted for the entire advertising period.
These elements would have to be sufficed first before you'd be able to precisely proclaim that your particular advertisement is effective. That is the reason why a lot of people assert that it is intricate to gauge an advertisement's efficacy. Aside from the need to consider many things, there are also other influential elements for that matter such as the kind of previous advertisement that had been released and its quantity.
It is also necessary for you to know the responsiveness of your consumers to the brand or the product you had advertised. Also, there are certain instances when you need to gauge the accessibility of cost effective assessment computation, the area where you have to place the advertisement, the choices of matters regarding the product like the price and sometimes even the capacity of your direct market to remember.
Several advertising experts have proposed several models which one could use to be able to gauge the efficacy of an advertisement. For example, some advertising experts states that the real measure of the efficacy of advertising is possible through the utility of cube diagram wherein you measure the headings which include the sales, profits, attention, persuasion and communication.
On the other hand, there are some people who only choose to settle for surveys which aim to test the brand or product recognition of the customers just after an advertising campaign. Actually, this particular method could be used with two options; the other one is to evaluate the product the other one of for a more extensive advertisement.
Overall though, advertisements can be very beneficial to the promotional efforts of any business because it enables the clients to become aware that such business does exists and that it can provide several particular products that they need. Advertisement has been proven to effectively set off the purchasing behavior of the clients and it is safe to assume that it will continue to do so for many more years to come.

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