Sunday, October 05, 2008

How To Find The Best Home-Based Internet Business Ideas

It's true that there's a lot of money to be made online. At the same time, there are a lot of unscrupulous people selling scam business opportunities by hyping up, you guessed it, how much money you can make online.

So, how do you sort through which ideas are 'too good to be true' and which ones are worth pursuing, when even the legitimate biz opps sometimes rely on hype?

The answer is: you need to get clear on which criteria truly matter when it comes to the feasibility of any online money-making system. The list of questions below will help you evaluate your options effectively.

1. Does this business serve a real market?

2. Is the market highly targeted?

3. Will I sell/promote products that are truly in demand?

4. Is there a clear system of traffic generation?

5. Is there a clear system of lead generation and follow up?

6. How much power do I have over the way the business is run?

7. How much support is provided if I need help or have questions?

8. When, where and how will I get paid?

9. How will the products be delivered?

10. Does this really let me be my own boss and make the executive decisions?

If your answer is “no” or “I don't know” to any of the above questions, be very cautious. While there's still a chance you might be looking at legitimate opportunity, there's also a good chance you're looking at a scheme that isn't going to work for you.

Real Internet businesses follow the fundamental rules of marketing, have a clear sales system in place and allow you to grow your business based on your own judgment!