Monday, December 10, 2007

Multi-Level-Marketing Know How

Have you ever wondered what it takes to succeed in multi-level marketing? Maybe you've tried to work a few programs before, and it just wasn't as easy as it sounded in the beginning?

Its not your fault!

All you've been missing is the right kind of multi-level marketing “know how.” You just need someone to show you how to find profitable opportunities, rapidly build a large downline in each of them and set the whole thing on autopilot.

Step One: Find a Profitable MLM

Multi-level marketing is like any other kind of marketing: you need to find a niche! Forget the over-saturated, seen-it-before markets. There is way more to MLM than selling things like vitamins, colloidal silver, e-mail safelists, etc..

The truly great opportunities, ones where the companies are selling products people really want and need, are not advertised like the flavor of the month. Instead, you've got to do your own digging.

The best place to start is on-line by using an MLM directory, such as the MLM & Direct Sales Directory located at: You can find niche opportunities there for everything from art to fashion to insurance.

Think about your own hobbies or personal interests, and try to locate an opportunity that falls in line with them. You'll go much farther, much faster, when you're working a niche you feel passionate about.

Step Two: Learn How to Generate Leads the Easy Way

Cold-calling and door-to-door sales are a thing of the past when you learn how to generate leads via the Internet.

It doesn't matter whether the company you represent processes orders on-line, over the phone or even by old-fashioned mail-in order forms. Your potential customers, as well as your potential new downline members, can all be found on the Internet.

Therefore, you need to set up a web site dedicated to capturing leads. In other words, you need to get people's names and e-mail addresses onto your own mailing list.

Once you do this, you can follow up with all of your leads at will. You can introduce the products and the opportunity at your own pace, taking your time to educate your prospects as thoroughly as possible.

Your credibility, as well as your ability to convert leads, is greatly enhanced when you are able to provide quality information. You accomplish this effortlessly when you have your very own opt-in list of targeted leads.

Step Three: Automate and Duplicate Your Efforts

You'll make the big bucks when you know how to use the concept of 'leverage' to your advantage. You must learn how to leverage your time and money to achieve greater and greater results.

True leverage means earning more while working less, and there are two concepts you must grasp in order to make this dream a reality: Automation and Duplication.

Automation means creating a system where the majority of your marketing tasks take care of themselves.

Again, the Internet will come to your rescue. Put in just a little bit of work upfront, and you can have advertisements that drive visitors to your site automatically, where they can opt-on to your list at the push of a button.

After that, your e-mail 'autoresponder' sends out a series of promotional messages that you've written and loaded up in advance. You don't even have to be at your computer! Your sales message will get to your prospect whether its 9am or 9pm. Meanwhile, you get to go out to a movie or spend more time with family.

Now, let's talk about duplication. Duplication means you take an already winning system, and repeat the set up on a new opportunity.

For example, let's say you've got the profits rolling in from MLM #1 by using the power of Internet automation. You can now move on to set up the same type of system for MLM #2. Maybe you want to move into a different niche or take part in a residual income opportunity?

No problem. Just duplicate your winning model over and over for each one. Eventually you'll see the cumulative effect this has on your income.

Step Four: Keep Adding to Your MLM Know How

Long term success depends on you taking your business seriously. Growth in any business is directly proportional to the growth in knowledge of the business owner. Stay on top of the latest trends and news in your industry.

Read. Learn. Take risks.

Your 'know how' will soar, and you'll be able to turn any multi-level opportunity into a resounding success!

Build Your Downline At Lightning Speed! Discover the system that's easy, automated and totally free.

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